Baked Baby Pears With Blue Cheese and Honey

Chicken with Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

 Every bit promised hither I am with my first Quarantine Cooking Recipe.  Craven with Wilted Infant Greens, Sauteed Pears & Blue Cheese.

I have given quantities for one serving.  In that location may just be 1 of you lot isolating, but if there is more than one person you tin very easily multiply this unproblematic dish to serve more!

Chicken with  Baby Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

I just accept salt and pepper here in the hotel with me, then at that place is not a lot of pick when it comes to seasoning. You actually don't need much more. Yous could certainly add your favourite herbs or seasonings to the craven if you lot wish.

You just need to think about what will get with the flavours of blue cheese (or whatsoever dressing you decide to use), chicken and pears!  Rosemary would be fantabulous!  As would any of the soft herbs.

Chicken with  Baby Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

I would think as well that hot sauce would be a great addition, or cayenne pepper.  This is so uncomplicated and quick to brand. You will exist surprised.  Cooking quarantine style need never exist wearisome!

I honey cooking like this. I call it cooking by the seat of my pants. Ane of my favourite shows when I moved over to the UK was a show called Set Stead Cook.

Chicken with  Baby Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

In this show the celebrity chefs, usually two, would exist given a bag of mystery ingredients to a certain value at the showtime of the show by the contestants.  At that place were two contestants.

The Chef'south would then be challenged to create something tasty with the ingredients in the bag, or equally much tasty equally they could, and in less than one-half an hr.

They would each usually melt two or three dishes while the clock ran down. Once done the audiance would vote on which chef has risen to the task better than the other and the contestant would win a prize.

Chicken with  Baby Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

Quarantine cookery is quite like that. You take a fridge with a very few ingredients in it and your challenge is to create something delicious from them.

Today I had craven breast.  Ripe anjou pears.  A box of baby greens. A jar of blueish cheese salad dressing. Common salt and pepper. Oh, and some Becel butter spread.

Chicken with  Baby Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

Craven breasts are a fabled canvas for a multitude of flavours. You could certainly use boneless skinless craven thighs all the same if you wanted to.

They were well seasoned and then browned in the becel until gold brown on both sides. I observe that it but takes about 9 minutes per side.  The juices should run clear and not pink when pierced.

Chicken with  Baby Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

 When the chicken is nearly done you will want to add the pears to the pan. I did non carp to pare them.I but removed the centre, and trimmed off the stem end and base. I and then cutting the pear into largish wedges.

I only browned them briefly in the pan juices on each side until golden. You want them to maintain some of their crispness, and so don't overdo it.  Its funny how cooking fruit helps to raise their natural sugariness.  And then good!

Chicken with  Baby Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

 In one case the chicken and pears were done it was a simple matter to saute/wilt the greens. Y'all could apply a mix as I have, or even spinach on its own or rocket, or baby beet greens. Escarole. Arugula. Kale.

Whatsoever or all.  Greens cook actually quickly. Just toss them in the pan and simply continue turning them over and over until yous become them equally wilted as you want. They will soak up all the chicken and pear juices giving them some nice flavours also.

Chicken with  Baby Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

Nosotros swallow beginning with our eyes, and then presentation is everything.  I thought this looked really overnice. I set the golden brown craven on top of the greens.

Don't overcook your craven. This was done perfectly so that it was aureate dark-brown on the outside, merely nevertheless tender and juicy in the centre.

Chicken with  Baby Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

I flanked the chicken with the sauteed pears.   They were beautifully golden dark-brown. Sugariness and juicy.  I remember a sprinkle of cayenned would be wonderful on them.

Sweetness and spicy. Yummy!

Chicken with  Baby Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

My final addition was a drizzle of that lush rich blue cheese dressing. I happen to really beloved blue cheese. Information technology wasn't ever so.

When I was younger I idea cheese had to be bright orange and come in a cardboard box! 😂😂 Yes, plastic cheese. My mother could never get me to try annihilation else except for the Parmesan that came in the green plastic container. 'Nuff said.

Chicken with  Baby Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

 Only await at how juicy that chicken is.  It is so tender, and despite only being seasoned with salt and pepper, browning it well in the pan helped to caramelise the juices and give it a lush flavour.

And those pears  . . .  perfect!!!

Chicken with  Baby Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

 Altogether this was perfectly succulent.  Moist and tasty chicken. Sweet crisp pears. Wilted greens with just a touch of bitterness. Rich creamy dressing.

What more could a body want?  I served information technology with some boiled new potatoes, and a mix of cauliflower, broccoli and carrot.  Win/win!!

Chicken with Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

Chicken with Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

prep time: 5 Min cook time: 20 Min total time: 25 Min

The amounts are for 1 serving, merely this can very easily exist multiplied to feed equally many every bit you like. Unproblematic ingredients done well.


  • 1 boneless, skinless chicken chest fillet
  • 1 tsp of fat (becel, butter, oil, etc.)
  • a large handful of babe greens
  • salt and black pepper
  • 1/ii of a large house ripe pear, seeded and cut into wedges
  • blue cheese dressing to serve


  1. Season your chicken all over with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat the fat in a skillet until it begins to foam. Add together the chicken presentation side down.
  3. Melt over medium high heat for 9 minutes per side, until golden brown and the juices run articulate. Add the pear wedges for the last few minutes of cooking, merely until lightly seared on each side.
  4. Remove the chicken to a plate to go along warm, forth with the pear. Add the greens to the skillet melt, tossing and turning until wilted.
  5. Identify the wilted greens on a plate, peak with the craven. Arrange the pear wedges around the craven and drizzle with some of the salad dressing.  Serve immediately with your favourite sides.


If you don't like bluish cheese dressing, use a dressing you do like. Ranch would be dainty as would honey mustard!

Chicken with Greens, Pears & Blue Cheese

I know that I am really lucky being able to quarantine in a place where I have family nearby.  They are a real God ship and taking very proficient care of me!  I am truly blessed.

This content (written and photography) is the sole property of The English Kitchen. Any reposting or misuse is not permitted. If you lot are reading this elsewhere, please know that it is stolen content and you may report it to me at: mariealicejoan at aol dot com Thanks and then much for visiting. Exercise come over again!

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